Interview pertama dengan Google

Setelah email-emailan dengan Google People Operations, disepakatin tanggal dan jam interview pertama dengan mereka, posisi yang mereka tawarkan adalah System Engineer-Unix System/Applications Administrator, – Mountain View.


-Be involved in every facet of Google’s production site.
-From design issues to troubleshooting, from performance analysis to capacity planning, from DNS to networking to application [mis]behavior, you will be ultimately responsible for making sure that Google always works.
-Wear many hats: first responder, performance analyst, service architect, system/database administrator, capacity planner, tools developer, monitoring expert, and technical evangelist, for Google’s entire production site.

The role:

As a seasoned Unix jockey, database wizard, performance specialist, networking guru and code slinger you will work to solve the next cool problem in a fast-paced and engineering-driven environment. You will be challenged to write scripts which perform practically the entire job you once held earlier in your career. In this role you must possess the ability to handle periodic on-call duty as well as out-of-band requests.

Persiapan interview pertama saya lebih banyak berlatih berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.  Akhirnya telepon saya berdering tepat pukul 24:00 wib, di California pukul 10:00 AM PDT, yang menelpon ramah banget dan mengenalkan diri terlebih dahulu.  Phone interview pertama hampir 1 jam lebih banyak bertanya keingintahuan Google tentang saya, khususnya dari pengalaman pekerjaan, pencapaian apa yang sudah saya lakukan, dsb..

Selesai interview saya disuruh menunggu seminggu untuk mengetahui hasilnya apakah saya bisa lanjut ke interview kedua.

–  Google Engineering Opportunity

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