Instalasi pada sistem operasi Linux Debian 6, Oracle 10 menggunakan software Emerald Billing and Radius X.
Download emerald for linux pada situs Emerald. Ekstrak dan install :
root@radius-billing:/home/gtoms/emerald5# ls
emerald emerald5_linux.tar.gz emerdap emernet install_linux.cfg lib portal radius5 scheduler sesmgr syslogd
root@radius-billing:/home/gtoms/emerald5# ./
Welcome to IEA Software, Inc. UNIX Installer v5
Select optional components to install from the list
by selecting the number of the option below.
Press ‘C’ to continue with the Installation or ‘Q’ to abort.
1. [Install] Emerald Server (v5.0)
2. [Install] RadiusX (v5.1)
3. [Install] Emerald task scheduler
4. [Do not Install] Emerald LDAP sync server
5. [Do not Install] Emerald Syslog server
6. [Do not Install] Air Marshal (v2.0)
7. [Do not Install] Emerald network data collector
8. [Do not Install] Emerald session manager